Thursday, December 22, 2011

How to monitor JVM running in Loadrunner mmdrv process

If you are testing SOAP over JMS using Web Services protocol in Loadrunner, you can monitor JVM(in process) which is invoked by mmdrv.exe, either using JConsole or JVisualVM or any other tool that allows you to monitor JVM.

Before you use JConsole or JVisualVM, you will need to set jmxremote parameter in Loadrunner. To do so, add “” as a Value in the “Additional VM Parameters” textbox. See the figure below.

Now, run your script and open up JVisualVM to monitor the JVM running within the mmdrv process.

NOTE: If you are using JVisualVM tool for monitoring then you do not need to set remote jmx parameter. It is only required for Jconsole.

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